Atlatl and Darts; Quiet, I am Hunting Mammoths

When I first met my wife Deneen we were taking a workshop on how to put together an atlatl and dart kit.  A few weeks later when we where courting over email I told her I had already killed a mammoth with mine, how was hers coming along?

My attempt at charm aside, atlatls and darts (spears) were what ancient man used to hunt mammoths and other very large animals.  Australian Aboriginal people used them up into historical times.  Much simpler that bows, they are relatively easy to make and fun to use.

This is a video exploration of a couple sets I have made.

Maine Primitive Gathering 2013


This year at the Maine Primitive Gathering I only took a few pictures.  The Gathering has come to be so important to me, a chance to see so many special people and feel part of a community that shares a common interest.  My time there this year was abbreviated so I was not able to connect with as many of those special people as I wanted to.

The images here do not begin to do justice to the scope and dynamic nature of the Gathering.  I was too busy enjoying myself to take pictures that might express this better.  Dozens of instructors taught workshops about archery, bow and arrow making, friction fire of all types, tracking, survival skills, health and healing, and many other primitive and wilderness skills.  Many families attended, I saw a lot of little babies on their mothers hips and kids running everywhere.  What follows are a few examples of what went on.


Primitive Skills Experts

Some oldtimers and whippersnappers Mike, Al, Nick, Red and Bob, all experts in one field or another, there to share the knowledge.




Maine Primitive Gathering

One of many workshops.

Hide Tanning

Hide tanning.


Garlic Hawkers

Garlic Hawkers Rich, Gabby and Maple

Boys at the campfire

Some of the boys hanging out around the fire.

Fire Workshop

A  fire workshop on group friction fire.  Here they are teaming up on a giant hand drill.

Someone saw me looking around for my daughter and our friends and asked “Looking for your tribe?” and I thought, yeah I am, my tribe within a tribe.  In this place I am a member of the the Gathering Tribe, the Fire Clan, the Deneen, Andy, Gabby, Jace, Evan, Dena, Maple Tribe (my “extended” family) and the Long Time Instructor Society.

Pardon my sentimental words.  To be part of something meaningful is a great feeling and a tough thing to explain.

Maine Primitive Gathering

I participated in the Maine Primitive Gathering three weeks ago in Bowdoin Maine. This is the big event of the year for me and well worth the seven hour drive. My friend Chris and I had a great time and learned a lot. Below Bob Berg of Thunderbird Atlatl is teaching us primitive fishing techniques. Later I took an atlatl making workshop with him and came home with three finished darts, three blanks and a finished atlatl. I have had a lot of fun throwing them.

Here we are straitening our atlatl dart shafts.

I also took a debri tracking workshop with Mike Douglas of MPSS which showed me how much more dirt time I need in that department.
I got reacquainted with many old friends and made some new ones. Most special of which is Deneen B. Special things are always found in the woods.