Painted Turtles Laying Eggs

Painted Turtle in a sand trap

Durring WMCC’s BioBlitz Deneen and I were focused on mammals though not so focused that we didn’t stop to notice all the turtle tracks, sign and living turtles that seemed to be everywhere we went.  Especially on the golf course whose property is part of the White Memorial Foundation.  Above and below is a painted turtle covering up the eggs she just laid.

Painted Turtle laying eggs

Turtle Tracks

Turtle tracks were in many of the muddy and sandy places we checked.  The image above shows just the claw marks.  The claws of the front foot leaves an angled crecent of holes on the left side of each group while the hind foot leaves a row of holes perpendicular to the trail.  

turtle tracks on golf course

Turtle trails in golf course sand pits.  

Turtle Tracks in sand trap


Painted Turtle

A Painted Turtle hiding from us.  

At the end of the day we returned to the turtles nest.  I had seen snapping turtle eggs several times before but never these elongated painted turtle eggs.  They where buried quite deeper than we had expected and were large compared to the little turtle that laid them.  They must have taken up a lot of room in that shell.  

Painted Turtle Eggs

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